One of the reasons people don’t create video content is because they feel that they need a Hollywood budget and a fancy setup to get started!
Sure, if you are planning to launch a career as a videographer or professional YouTuber then it would make sense to invest in some quality kit. However, for most business owners and individuals looking to share videos on social media, you can get started with a very cheap set up. In fact, there are only five things that you need to start recording videos today.
1. Smartphone

The first piece of kit you need is a smartphone. And, no you don’t have to go out and get the latest iPhone! Most smartphones have great front and back cameras these days and have pretty awesome microphones as well.
My network is always surprised when I tell them I use a £200 smartphone to record videos because the picture and audio is so good! I am currently using an Honor 10 Lite which is now a few years old, but still does the job! When it does finally give up the ghost, I will be looking at purchasing this upgrade. An awesome camera at a fraction of the price of Apple phones or more expensive Samsung models.
Whatever phone you use, make sure that it can access the latest apps so you can easily edit and upload videos to social media.
2. Tripod

Having a tripod helps you position the camera at eye level so you can maintain eye contact with your audience. Even though you are not physically in a room with your social media network, they will still appreciate eye contact plus it is much nicer to look in your eyes than your nostrils.
If you are holding the phone or camera in your hand, it can produce shaky images, distort the sound and have poor light, all of which is distracting for your audience.
When you are selecting tripods make sure that it is adjustable and that you will be able to position the camera at eye level.
I use this tripod which cost £11.99 from Amazon. There are lots of other options on the market, ranging from cheap or all in one light and microphone options such as the Joby Gorilla Pod which is going to be my next investment as I up my vlogging game.
3. Light Source

It is super important that your audience is able to clearly see your face and eyes. Therefore, you need to make sure you record with a light source in front of you.
My desk faces a large window so I use natural light for my videos. However, if you are in a room with poor lighting then I recommend purchasing a ring light. Placing that in front of you will make it much easier to see your face.
Again they are not expensive and you can purchase tripod/ring light combos.
4. Message

Your message is the most important thing about the video. You don’t need fancy edits, transitions or overlays here. Certainly not when you are starting out.
For each video, think about the one thing you absolutely 1000000000% want your audience to know or do at the end of the video. Then create content from there.
Tips, hacks, offers, and stories are all things that work really well on social media.
Check out these 5 awesome tips on video content creation to give you some ideas on the types of things you can share in your videos.
5. YOU

Seeing your face and hearing your voice is a great way to build trust with your audience.
Videos are an awesome way to let your passion and personality shine.
And, before you start thinking that you look awful on camera or that you don’t like the sound of your voice, let me say that people watching your videos won’t be even thinking about this. They are interested in your message and how you can help them. So, step into your strengths and share your knowledge, expertise, tips and offers.
Believe me when I say that someone needs to hear what you have to say!
Lights, Camera, Awesome
Now that you are all set up, it is time to start recording!
The first one will likely be the hardest, but I encourage you to record it and then get it out into the world. I guarantee the world won’t explode and that it gets much easier the more that you do.
If you need some help getting started, then why not book an Awesome Hour. For £99, you will get a 1-hour coaching call that focuses on creating and delivering the content for one video post, a recorded copy of the session and feedback on your video before you share it with the world.
Book your Awesome Hour here.